We hope you will prayerfully consider joining our team!
Here are our current Job opportunities...
Assistant to the Senior Pastor & Discipleship Pastor (Full-Time)
Stephanie Ritchey has done an incredible job in this position. The Ritcheys are moving to Columbia, SC where Philip
will be the Dean of Students at Columbia International University. We are excited for the door God has opened for them,
and we are praying for the person God is leading to assist our pastor in the work of ministry.
Send resumes and questions to employment@harrisburgonline.org
will be the Dean of Students at Columbia International University. We are excited for the door God has opened for them,
and we are praying for the person God is leading to assist our pastor in the work of ministry.
Send resumes and questions to employment@harrisburgonline.org
Childcare Workers
We are looking for paid childcare workers, to work Sunday, Wednesdays and other special events. Contact Shelley Farmer at sfarmer@harrisburgonline.org
Mother's Day Out Teachers
We are hiring MDO teachers! Mondays and Thursdays from 8:30-1:30 $13 hour. Please contact the day school for details or call the church office.