Join our team

We hope you will prayerfully consider joining our team!

Here are our current Job opportunities...

Discipleship Pastor 

The Discipleship Pastor is responsible for creating, managing, and executing the aspects of our church that make disciples, equip members for service, and reach out to grow the ministries of the church. This includes working with and through the other pastors, ministers, teams, and committees responsible for the wide range of ministries at Harrisburg Baptist Church. 

In making disciples, the pastor oversees the ministries of Sunday school and discipleship groups by training and developing leaders, recruiting volunteers, and coordinating curriculum. In addition, this position coordinates and collaborates with the NextGen ministers as they lead their respective ministries to make disciples of the next generation and their families. 

In equipping, the pastor will develop and oversee a comprehensive and simple approach for engaging members in spiritual growth and service. This includes working with each of the pastors and ministers to provide a clear pathway for spiritual growth that each member can follow to grow, mature, and use their spiritual gifts in the ministries and opportunities of our church. 

In the area of outreach, the pastor will oversee the coordination and collaboration of our efforts to engage the lost and unchurched with the gospel. This includes working alongside each of our ministers and ministries to align the efforts and resources of the church throughout the year. The goal is for all that our church does to be in coordination with one another to accomplish a mission that is greater than any one ministry can do on its own.

In addition, the pastor will work with the men's and women's ministries of the church, variously assigned committees, and participate in the weekly pastoral care of the church members.

Please submit resumes to

Day School Director

The Day School Director shall be responsible for managing all aspects of the day-to-day management and operations of the Harrisburg Baptist Church Day School.  
This is done in conjunction with the mission, vision, and values of Harrisburg Baptist Church and Mississippi licensing requirements
in order for a standard of excellence to be maintained.

Please submit resumes to

Part Time Employment Opportunities

We are looking for paid childcare workers, to work Sunday, Wednesdays and other special events. Contact Shelley Farmer at

We are hiring MDO teachers! Mondays and Thursdays from  8:30-1:30 $13 hour. Please contact the day school for details or call the church office.