
"For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve..."

Mark 10:45

At Harrisburg Baptist Church, we believe service is one of the ways people connect to Jesus Christ.
We also believe that we, as followers of Christ, are called to be servants on mission
as we give our time and resources—in the church, in our city, and around the world.

Serve within Our Church

Use your unique gifts to help build up our local faith family.

Jesus Christ has gifted each of his followers with spiritual gifts. Regardless of whether we are gifted to teach the Bible, show hospitality, or minister with mercy, we are called to use our gifts to build others up. There are many ways to serve within our church. The roles vary in time commitment and experience required, but rest assured, there's a place for you. The first step is simply to sign up to get more information! 

join us on mission

multiplying disciples for the glory of god

A short-term mission trip will challenge your faith, your personal ministry,
and your view of this culture and world.
Each year our missions ministry provides mission opportunities all over the world,
with a variety of focuses.

Serving FAQ

do i have to be a member to serve?

Yes. We don't expect anyone who hasn't joined our faith family to serve within our faith family. Much like giving financially, we want our guests to feel welcomed and loved without feeling the burden of contributing to a family they haven't joined. If you are interested in serving here, then we are hoping that means the Lord may be moving you to join our church!

how do I know where to serve?

Maybe you don't know what your spiritual gifts are. Or maybe you've never been affirmed in a particular area of service within the church. That's okay. We would love to come alongside you as you seek to discover your gifts and use them in ministry. Simply fill out this interest form and check the ministry areas that interest you. Once you get plugged in, we'll help you discern where you fit best!

can i contact a specific ministry leader?

Absolutely! Our staff team would love to talk with you about your gifts and ministry experience, even if you're unsure about those things. We would also be happy to provide you with whatever information you need to feel as confident as possible about serving in a particular area. Visit our staff page to see who leads what, then reach out with an email! You're also more than welcome to give our church office a call: 662.842.6917

are there additional requirements for serving with minors?

Harrisburg is committed to the safety, welfare, and protection of all children and youth participating in the activities and programs of our church.

This policy is intended to protect both the children and members who serve and is intended to be a helpful resource in addressing the issues of child safety. Throughout this policy, the terms “child,” “children,” and “youth” refer to all persons under eighteen (18) years of age. Children’s programs at HBC include infant - 6th grade, and youth programs and activities involve grades 7-12. The standards implemented in this Children First Policy seek to uphold our commitment to the safety of the children and youth of HBC, whether members or guests. This policy governs all members who serve enlisted to work with children and youth, and each of our members who serve is required to fill out the application found by click the button below.

Questions about Serving?

We love to clarify Serving requirements. Please reach out if you still have questions.